What Disney Princesses would look like as Game of Thrones characters

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What if the world of Westeros was actually set in the wonderful world of Disney? The Seven Kingdoms would be up for grabs in the magical Disney universe. Disney princesses would become the cunning women of Game of Thrones. I know, crazy. Surprisingly not though. The characters swap work out pretty well.

Artist Sam Tsui (DjeDjeHuti on DeviantArt) re-imagined the women of Westeros as Disney characters and came up with some fantastic matches. Elsa from Frozen would be Daenerys, Rapunzel would be Sansa Stark, Mulan would become Brienne of Tarth, Lilo would be little Arya, Merida from Brave would be Ygritte and so much more.

It'd be hilarious to see the Disney version of Game of Thrones, complete with song and dance numbers and talking animals. You can see more of Sam Tsui's Disney version of Game of Thrones here.


Here is Aurora from Sleeping Beauty as Cersei, Elsa from Frozen as Daenerys and Mulan as Brienne:

Ariel as Melisandre, Belle as Margaery Tyrell and Rapunzel as Sansa Stark:

And my favoritest of the bunch, Lilo as Arya and Merida as Ygritte:

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